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Survey for Middle Front-End Developer at Pixel Point

Basic information

Please share your name, email address, TG handle, and current geographic location.

English level

Where did you find this job listing?

Hard skills

Do you have any experience with TailwindCSS?

Please tell us about your experience with different CMS, if any

Please tell us about your experience with different CMS, if any

Do you have any experience with TypeScript?

What is your experience with SEO ?

What is your experience with performance optimizations?

What is your experience with Google Analytics and other analytic tools?

What tech stack have you been using for the last 6 months?

Expected compensation level

What do you consider reasonable compensation for your level of experience at the moment? You may mention any currency.


Please provide a link to your CV:
or attach a file:

Test task ⚠️ - recommended time for completion 10-15 min

Please, demonstrate basic technical expertise and analytical skills performing following assignment.

Imagine your fellow colleague junior front-end developer has submitted a piece of work, which is an implementation of a hero section of the website of an imaginary start up company called DevOptima, for a round of internal review. You are the reviewer! Please, make yourself familiar with the design and the preview, and see if it is mergeable.
Preview: Preview on Vercel
Design Reference: Figma Design
You can document your findings and suggestions in any way you see fit, e.g. Google Doc file, a Notion page, may be even a loom recording!

Please, provide a link to review result

Make sure it is accessible by external people!
We promise to answer everyone who made a fair attempt, but do not consider ourselves obliged to provide a detailed review.